YOUR PATH TO BETTER FINANCES: A Beginner's Guide to Credit, Budgeting, and Other Money Matters
YOUR PATH TO BETTER FINANCES: A Beginner's Guide to Credit, Budgeting, and Other Money Matters
STOP BEATING YOURSELF UP! You are not “bad with finances” - you just haven't been taught the basics about credit, budgeting, and saving money.
We all have dreams for ourselves and our families. We want to leave a legacy we can be proud of. Yet, the pressure of debt, despair about our credit, and challenges with money can cause us to put those dreams on hold. Many of the issues we face are due to a Lack of Financial Literacy.
Basic financial education typically is not a part of the curriculum in most public schools. While some families openly discuss money, credit, and budgeting around the kitchen table, for most of us, that was not the case. Because of this, we have millions of people who have to, unfortunately, learn about these things the hard way.
This book is a guide that demystifies the basics of credit, budgeting, and other money matters in simple easy-to-understand language. It provides proven techniques that will help you lay a solid financial foundation based on sound financial principles.
In it you will learn to:
Face Financial Challenges
Set Financial Goals
Understand Credit Basis
Create a Budget
Demolish Debt
Establish and Repair Credit
Save Money
Change your Money Mindset
A big life is built on small decisions. Decide today to take control of your financial future. It IS possible to master your finances and live the life of your dreams. Do not spend another day feeling overwhelmed and defeated. Financial Freedom is within reach. This is YOUR PATH TO BETTER FINANCES.